Playlist Editor -
The Playlist Editor in Metus MAM is used for integrating with playout solutions, and also to be used as an EDL creator for the editors.
You can view the Playlist Editor under View/Playlist Editor
The Toolbar of Playlist Editor includes regular commands, including New, Save, Save as, Close Playlist, Cancel Changes.
Edit Selected Item allows the user to open the selected playlist video in MAM viewer, instantly able to edit (mark-in outs, trimming, cut&join etc) please see The Viewer - for more information
Playlist Properties
You can view approval status for the playlist, insert a planned duration, or select your channel from playlist properties.
You can use scheduled (daily) playlist, and have the ability to choose to push the media content together with the playlist to the local disc of playout machine. (This is possible with the supported 3rd party playout solutions, please check with Metus for more information)
You can add playlist events like; Stop, Stop Cue, Wait etc as seen below
Export Playlist
You can export playlist file, and have the ability to copy the media content of the playlist into any folder you need
You can see supported playlist file formats, from file format dropdown menu
Note: For approval and export of the playlist assets, the user must have admin rights
Realization is to send the playlist (and the content if needed) to the playout server. Playlist must be approved before realization
You can see the realization options below. (Please check with Metus for the supported playout solutions)
You can view all the playlist in MAM viewer
Join and Retrieve To 'burn' the playlist into a single video file and retrieve, or create a unified single asset in your MAM arhive with Join and Archive
'Track view' for Playlist Editor
NOTE You can select which metadata fields to be displayed for the playlist items.
NOTE Supported Playlist formats:
- AirBox v4 Ply
- AirBox v4 XML
- Aveco Astra
- Darim Air
- Darim Airx
- FinalCutPro v4 XML
- Magic Soft
- Master Play
- Metus Library v3
- SoftLab XML
- Vegas Pro
- Windows media Played v1