Clip Editor

Clip Editor

Clip Editor

Metus Player has a built-in video Clip Editor where you can easily set In-Out points in your video clips, configure the sound channels and also easily trim and create a new video clips virtually.

In order to open Clip Editor;

1) Select a video clip from the playlist.

2) Right click on the selected video clip.

3) Click "Edit" option from newly appeared menu.

With Clip Editor, you can create new virtual clips from the current clip with selected in-out points.

In order to create a new clip from an existing clip;

1) Set new in-out points.

2) Click "Add as New Clip" button.

3) Enter a name for the new clip.

4) Click "OK" button.

A new video clip with the desired in-out points, will be added into your playlist.

After you add the trimmed section into your playlist, you will able to see the trimmed video clip in your playlist.