Folder Watcher -

Folder Watcher -

Folder watcher tool is used to automate the transcoding operations. Metus Ingest will watch the specified folder and automatically transcode to given format(s) whenever a file is dropped to the watch folder. Multiple target formats (presets) can be defined.

You can open Folder Watcher Settings Window by clicking Tools > Folder Watcher .

At the opening window you must click Add button (  ) . Folder Watcher window will be like the following :

Note: This window should not be closed during the operation, should be left open.


Watch Folders

At this section, you can set the folder to watch  and define the target profiles.

State: Shows the state of watch folder. Can be stopped or running.

Name: name of the watch folder task.

Directories: You can  Add / Remove paths of the folders to watch.

Include sub folders: This is the option for whether to watch sub folders or not.

Use manual file watcher: If you check this option, ingest will scan the folder(s) instead of windows. You can enter the value of time between scans as you wish.

Wait before transcode: If this option is unchecked, ingest will start transcoding files immediately. By checking it, you can enter a wait time duaration value as you want.

Auto start on start up: The default setting is that you need to start Folder Watcher manually  if you want to start transcoding the files in the watch folders after re-opening Metus Ingest. If you check this option, transcoding will start on every startup automatically.


Edit Profiles: behaves like Metus Ingest Profiles window, used to add and to remove predefined presets from the profiles list. To see Edit Profile Settings click HERE .

Max (....) simultaneous encoders : Under the profiles area, you can write the amount of the encoder quantity that work simultaneously depending on your computer’s system quality.

Cancel Transcode if no progress for : You can write how many seconds should application wait before canceling transcoding if there is no progress.


Source File

This part is about what will happen to source file after transcoding and which files should be watched in the directory.

After transcoding do following to source file

Do nothing: does nothing, leaves the source file in watch folder.

Delete: deletes the source file in watch folder.

Copy: coppies the source file to the target direction.

Target directories:

Add: Add the directories where you want the source files to be coppied to. When transcoding is complete, source file will be coppies to all the directories that have written.

Remove: Simply remove the directories from the list as you wish.

Delete after copy: Deletes the source file after it is coppied.

Rename as created file: Renames the name of source file as the name you entered in the first profile’s name in its output.

        Filter Files

Files to watch (separate with commas) : Write here the file extensions of files which you want them to be transcoded. If there is more than one, separate them with commas.

Do not transcode if there is a file with these extensions (separate with commas) : Just does what it says. This is opposite of “files to watch”.

Minimum File Size : (....) kb

Additional Files 


After transcoding, do the following to additional files:

Do Nothing: Self – explanatory

Delete: After transcode, deletes the additional files.

Copy: Copies the additional files to another folder.

Target Directories:

Add: You can add the directories you want where you want the additional files will be coppied.

Remove: Removes the directory you choose from list.

Delete after copy: Deletes file after it is copied to target folder.

Rename as created files: Renames the additional files as created files’ name.

                      Additional file extensions (separate with commas): Write here file extensions you want which we will be count as additional files.

                      Match to source file:

                      Whole file name: Only the file with the same name counts as additional file.

                      Character match: Compares the character match amount and files count as additional files depend on this amount.


Failed Files

Do Nothing:

Copy: Copies the failed files to the directory you wrote.

Delete after copy: Deletes the failed file after it is copied to the directory.

Don’t retry failed files: If application fails transcoding a file, it keeps retrying these failed file. This option enables/disables retrying failed files.

Additional Rules


Directly copy files: Application copies all the files in the folder which is being watched to the target folder. File name and/or extension option should be selected and adjusted according to needs of which files should be copied.

File name: Files can be defined to copy due to their names. There are three options as start withcontains and ends with.

Extension is (separate with commas): Files can be defined to copy due to their extensions. Extensions should be separated with commas and without space between them.

Target directories: Target folders can be written here where the source files will be copied. New target folders can be add by “Add” button and any folder that is add before can be remove by “Remove” button.

Delete after copy: This option deletes source files after they are copied if selected.

Delete old files in the source directories :

Older than (...) days




Waiting files: List of files that are queued for progress.

Current files: List of files that are in progress.

Finished files: List of files that completed.

Clear finished list: Clear all the files from finished files list.


After you complete adjusting the folder watcher settings you must click Apply Settings button.







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