Switch between proxy and high quality stream

Switch between proxy and high quality stream

The system automatically adjusts the NDI input to either HQ or Proxy according the preview size. Proxy stream is used by default.

When Always Connect HQ option is enabled, all sources are used in High Quality, if this option is not selected, sources are proxy quality.

The Always Connect HQ option can be configured from the global settings for all sources, as well as individually for each source.

This option allows you to work with High quality version of NDI Stream.

  1. To enable “Always Connect HQ” go to Options menu.

  2. Switch to Customize tab.

  3. Enable “Always Connect HQ” checkbox.

When you click the Apply button, the Always Connect HQ will be active on all source outputs. If you wish to configure the Always Connect HQ settings as source based, please scroll down the page.

The Always Connect HQ option can be configured separately for each source.

In order to configure “Always Connect HQ” source based:

  1. Go to Source > Options menu.

  2. Switch to Customize tab.

  3. Enable “Override Global Customize Option” checkbox.

  4. Enable “Always Connect HQ” checkbox.

Always Connect HQ settings are enabled on the configured source when this setting is enabled.


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