Vegas Plugin Installation

Vegas Plugin Installation

Metus Extension for Sony Vegas Pro is a built-in GUI designed and developed to be used in Vegas for editors. With the help of this built-in GUI, Sony Vegas users can access and use Central Metus MAM according to their security settings and permissions.


Features of this version of built-in Metus GUI;

1. Opening Metus MAM projects and use it according to given permissions.

2. Browsing Project Bins

3. Making queries and searches on Central Archive and see the results.

4. View asset’s thumbnail and metadata info

5. Drag-and-drop an asset (or assets) to Sony Vegas Timeline. During this drag-and-drop operation asset’s proxy will be used if there is proxy, otherwise, the hi-res file will be used.

 When dragging an asset to Sony Vegas Timeline, Sony Vegas will use the file from central storage. No file copy operation will be done, which will prevent the copy operation time, making the workflow faster.

6. Drag-and-drop playlists to Sony Vegas Timeline.

7. Possibility of Proxy/Hi-Res switches during edit operation.

8. Adding assets to Sony Vegas.


1. Run Metus Sony Vegas Extension setup file.


2. At the opening windows follow the instructions and click to Next buttons.

3. And installation completed, click to Finish button.

Using Metus Extension for Sony Vegas

After Metus MAM for Sony Vegas Pro is installed you will see a shortcut icon on desktop. Always use this shortcut to run Sony Vegas.



After this shortcut is double clicked, Sony Vegas Pro will start.

Chose View → Extensions → Metus MAM to open Metus MAM Extension.



After this menu item is clicked then Metus MAM window will show.


Click Open Project icon to open a Metus MAM project.


In opening file open window, choose the Metus MAM project. Once you open a project it will be listed in Recent Projects list for quick opening the project next time.


After the desired Metus project is chosen, a Login to Project window will open for authentication. Input your Metus MAM username and password and click login button.


 In order to use assets in Sony Vegas, the authenticated user should have Retrieve permission for selected assets.

After a valid user name and a password is entered Metus Mam project opens successfully.


Metus Extension in Vegas is set to work with Proxy by default. That means, if the user drag and drop assets to Vegas Timeline, proxy copy will be sent to Vegas Timeline if exists, otherwise the Hi-res copy will be sent to timeline. If the proxy copy exists for an asset , there will be a “P” icon right under side of the asset . Vegas user can click Proxy and Hi-Res button to switch between Proxy and Hi-res file.



After edit is finished, The Editor will switch to Hi-Res and render the work.

Any asset that is dragged to the timeline will be added to Media Pool automatically. You can also drag an asset by holding down the Ctrl key to have it added to the timeline with In/Out parameters set 

Editor can send desired assets to Media Pool if needed. This operation is done via Right Click-> Add to Media Pool option or the icon on toolbar.



Toolbar Buttons

Open or close Metus MAM projects.
Browses in the opened project.
Working with proxy is enabled.
Working with Hi-Res is enabled.
Adds selected assets to Media Pool
Used to change the asset view ,there are two modes ; Thumbnails and Details.
Opens Settings window.
Opens Info window.
Used to make search.
Used for search settings.


Settings Window


Language: GUI language settings.

Number of items in recent project: Number of Metus projects to keep in quick open list.

Max Search Result: Max result count to show. 0: unlimited.


Search Settings


Search Method: There are two methods for searching ; Partial Search , Fulltext Search.

Search Assets Of Type : You can make searches according to asset type .Video, Audio, Document , Image , Data , Sequence searches can be done by one by or can be searched between the types which you selected.


Info Window



Displays Metus MAM Extension version and other info.