Basic Metus MAM Installation

Basic Metus MAM Installation

Some requirement settings

– UAC Settings

Before installing any Metus software, there is a user account setting that should be changed to never notify to make the software work properly.

To see how to do this settings click HERE .

– FireWall Settings

Before installing any Metus software, you need to Turn Off FireWall settings. 

Go to Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Windows FireWall .

Click to Turn Windows FireWall on or off tab from the left side of the window shown below.



– Application Server & IIS Settings

Before installing Metus products (MAM, MAS, MPS, MOL etc.) to Server 2008 machines, “Application server” should be added as a role from server manager and also “Web server (IIS)” should be added as a role too if Metus Online is going to be installed. Here are the steps for installing Application Server and Web Server (IIS) . From server manager window, select Roles, and then click Add Roles.



A window , called “Add Roles Wizard” will appear, select application server. If Metus Online will be installed to this machine select web server (IIS) too, and then click next.



If you are installing web server too, don’t forget to add Static Content, ASP.NET, .NET Extensions , ISAPI extensions, ISAPI filters, Management service and all II6 Management Compatibility options.



After these are selected, click next and install, when installing is complete you will need to restart the server.