Software Requirements - The Latest

Software Requirements for Metus INGEST

  • Metus INGEST is recommended to be installed on 

    Windows 10/Windows 11 Pro 64-bit O.S.

    Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows 10 Pro N is not recommended.

  • The User Account Control (UAC) Settings should be set ot "Never Notify". Please click HERE to see how to do this. If UAC Setting hasn't set to "Never Notify" , a window appears as it shown below. 

  • The windows login user should have

    "Local Administrator"

    permissions in order to install and run Metus INGEST. If you do not want to use a power user please click HERE to see how to setup the windows.

  • Please make sure that you installed the driver for capture devices. Please click HERE  to see the supported driver version for your capture card(s).
  • Metus INGEST will need Microsoft .NET framework 4.0 to be installed. Metus INGEST.exe will install automatically if this is not installed.(Internet connection will be required). Please click HERE to install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 manually. 


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