Dongle Remote Update

Dongle Remote Update

Following are step by step instructions how to update or code a dongle remotely. Please do not forget to plug the dongle to USB port before beginning the update.

You will need two tools for updating the dongle; hasprus.exe and Metus RUS.exeYou will also need the necessary dongle driver and “License Manager.exe”.

If you don't have these tools you may download them from the ftp link below:


(The ftp is not public, please ask for the user&password to your sales rep./support. and please use FileZilla for accessing to the ftp)

After you have the required tools, please do the following step by step:

Note: When RDP (Remote desktop connection) is open, this is not going to work. Please do these steps without RDP. VNC/Team Viewer is OK.

  • Plug the dongle into the USB port.
  • Install the dongle driver (Downloaded from the link above) HASPUserSetup.exe .Follow the wizard by next-next buttons with default options.
  • Run License Manager v4.exe to complete the dongle driver installation. Follow the wizard by next-next buttons with default options.
  • Run hasprus.exe tool.
  • Click the “Collect Information” button.
  • Save the key status file (c2v) .
  • Run the Metus RUS.exe tool.
  • Save the key status file (c2m).
  • Send both files to either Metus or Metus reseller.
  • Based on this key status file, Metus will create two files and send to you;

a. One hasp license file (*.v2c)

b. One Metus license file (*.m2c)

  • When you received those files, do the following;

a. Run hasprus.exe tool

i. Click the “Apply License Update” tab

ii. Click the Browse for update file (....) button.

iii. Choose the *.v2c file (please see step: 7-a )

iv. Click the “Apply Update” button.

v. After a few seconds you will see the update result message.

b. Run Metus RUS 2.7.5.exe tool

i. Click the “Apply License Update” tab

ii. Input the server name or IP that the dongle is plugged (in case of there are more then one dongle connected to a server or pc on the same network)

iii. Click the Browse for update file (....) button.

iv. Choose the *.m2c file (please see step: 7-b )

v. Click the “Apply Update” button.

vi. After a few seconds you will see the update result message.

    • Your dongle is ready to use.

Troubleshooting for dongle update

  • When RDP (Remote desktop connection) is open, this is not going to work. Please do these steps without RDP. VNC/Team Viewer is OK.
  • During the remote update process please make sure the necessary ports are open (TCP:475, UDP:475 ports). Please check firewallantivirus, etc. for those ports.
  • Please make sure you have installed the necessary dongle driver (Step:2)
  • Please do not use Remote desktop to create key status file or update. Directly work on the server/pc or use another remote software such as TeamViewer, etc.
  • If you still have problems, please contact your reseller or contact support@metus.com.