Database -
This option is simply for clearing old files from Ingest database and shrinking the db size. Depending on the workflow, database size may increase enough to disturb progress. In some cases, occasionally shrinking db is useful.
You can reach Database Settings tab by clicking Tools > Options > Database Settings.
Shrink Database Now : You can shrink database manually at any time.
Periodically Shrink Database : There are shrinking database options where you can enable periodically shrink database and adjust the settings of this period. It can be daily or weekly.
User can enable clearing old records and then select which records will be cleared.
-Created file records
-Folder watcher file records
-Safe recording temp file records
-Older than (...) days
-Additionally user can adjust that how old records will be cleared. There is a “Clear Records Now” button which obviously starts clearing old records at that moment.