File Menu
New Project : To add a new project.
Open Project : To open a saved project
Save Project : To save the (changes) at the project.
Save As Project : To save the porject with different name or to the different file path .
Exit : To exit from the Metus Control Center.
Project Menu
Project => Add Ingest : To add any Ingest is shown in HERE .
Project => Remove Ingest: To delete any Ingest shown on the left side of the MCC main window, the user clicks Remove Ingest from the Project.
Project => Remove All Ingests: To delete all the Ingests shown on the left side of the MCC main window, the user clicks Remove All Ingests from the Project.
Ingest Menu
Ingest => Settings: To change any settings on the Add Ingest window, the user should click Settings from Ingest submenu.
On the Edit Ingest Settings window, the user can define password to connect to the computer that Ingest runs, change the name of the computer and modify any settings about Enable Sound Alerts.
Tools Menu
Tools => Settings => Language : In this window, you can set the language option (English or Turkish) for MCC. If you change the language, it will only take effect when you restart the application.
Tools => Settings => E-mail : Too see E-mail settings click HERE and look at to the E-mail heading.
Help Menu
Help => About : If you clik Help > About a window appears like the following.
The Buttons on the Top Bar
The user can do all the actions for the encoders of the Ingests connected to MCC with the buttons shown on the figure above;
Start all encoders of all Ingests,
Stop all encoders of all Ingests,
Pause all encoders of all Ingests,
the user clicks to this button, the encoding video and/or audio from all Ingests will be splitted at the same time.
Split all encoders of all Ingests; whenever
The buttons seen on the figure above are only activated when the user selects the related Ingest (runs on ingestxp with version connected to MCC.
Sometimes MCC cannot instantly respond to all actions from the Ingests, by clicking to this button all the actions from the Ingests are updated (refreshed).
Start all encoders of this Ingests,
Stop all encoders of this Ingests,
Pause all encoders of this Ingests,
Split all encoders of this Ingests
Load Ingest Project; In order to load any ingest project from MCC running on the Admin pc, the user should save the related project from Ingest application. This project is automatically saved to Projects folder in Ingest pc. When the user clicks this icon, the project(s) saved in Ingest pc appear on the Load Ingest Project window as seen on the figure below.
When the user activates the ingest project (here, test1 or test2), the encoder of this ingest project and its related profiles appear on the Encoders and Profiles frame.
If the user checks Save current project before closing option, the current MCC project will also be saved.