How to import Metadata using Rule Scripts

How to import Metadata using Rule Scripts

The following steps will provide step by step directions on how to import Metadata using Rule Scripts. 

Under this note you can import the Rule Scripts (Project - Properties - Rule Scripts). 



   Please do the following instructions.

  • Place the XML file alongside the asset.
  • Change the name of the XML file with its corresponding asset name. For example: Fight Club.mpg, Fight Club.xml.
  • In Metus MAM, under the note Metadata (Project - Properties - Archiving Options - Metadata), notice Import Metadata from file. 
  • Press the Add button and a new pop up window will show up :


  • Fill the name field (any name you want), the extension and from the drop down menu select the rule script that was previously uploaded in this case is "RuleScriptExample".

    NOTE :  The name of the XML file needs to be changed for every asset that will be archived in Metus MAM but the rule script is uploaded only once.