E-mail - The Latest
E-mail - The Latest
You can inform any user by sending an e-mail in case of lost video or audio signal. To set this option, you should provide the e-mail address and password of the sender.
You can reach E-mail tab by clicking Tools > Options > E-mail .
Enable e-mail option activates all the options about e-mail settings.
Server is the name of the mail server.
Port No is the port the mail server uses to send the mails.
By checking Use SSL, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol is activated.
User is the mail address of the sender; Password is the password of the sender.
To is the mail address of the user that the logs are sent. “;” character is used to send e-mails to more than one user.
You can test the settings by using "Send Test E-mail" button.