You can see the info box at right, where some basic info about the asset is summarized. (you can click on the box to change the info display)
Right Panel
In the right panel, you we have Use Proxy button. You can change between proxy (if there is one available for the particular asset) and hi-res version of the video asset on the fly easily with this button. (Shortcut: Ctrl + Space)
You can change the thumbnail for the asset with Create Thumbnail from current frame. You can also add frames to the storyboard of the asset with Add SB button. This button will be inactive if the asset has no storyboard.
You can change the aspect ratio for the image or add a letter box from the drop-down menu
You can enable/disable the censors to turn on/off the censoring in Viewer preivew. Please see Censoring - for more information
You can zoom in and out the image in the viewer screen from the drop-down menu