<addClip>: Adds a new clip to the playlist.
Player@SUPPORT> addClip file:"D:\Clip 1.mov" |
<listClips>: Lists all the clips in the playlist.
Player@SUPPORT> listClips |
<loadProject>: Loads the project from specified file.
Player@SUPPORT> loadProject file:"D:\MPEG2HD\Sport List.mpprj" |
<newProject>: Creates a new, empty project.
Player@SUPPORT> newProject |
<pause>: Pauses player.
Player@SUPPORT> pause |
<play>: Starts player.
Player@SUPPORT> play |
<removeClip>: Removes the specified clip from the playlist.
Player@SUPPORT> removeClip index:3 |
<saveProjectAs>: Saves the project to a new file.
Player@SUPPORT> saveProjectAs file:"D:\MPEG2HD\Sample List" |
<status>: Displays playback information.
Player@SUPPORT> status |
<stop>: Stops player.
Player@SUPPORT> stop |
<version>: Displays application version information.
Player@SUPPORT> version |