To open Process Server Settings go to : Project > Properties > Servers > Process Server .
It shows the
Process Server Name and
Status (
Connected /
Disconnected )
Add Server : To select a Process Server, press the
Add Server button in the Process Server level. In a pop up window all the computers in the network are listed. Browse and select the computer you will use as a Process Server and
thenclick then click the OK button.You can add any machine in the network as a MPS server. The Metus Process Server service must be running on it (Metus Process Server.msi must be installed there). If you need to add more MPS servers (quicker processes as well as running simultaneously more tasks), you can add them the same way as adding MAS servers.
Edit Server : It is used to make
changings changing for Process Server Name / IP .
Connect : Press the Connect button to connect to a MPS server after the network (a possible reason for disconnection) is already available.
No matter how many MPS servers you have added to the system, Metus MAM always lists the local machine as an MPS server, as well. The local MPS could never be deleted from the list. The Local MPS is used when the global (network) MPS server cannot reach the local folder set for the task given to the MPS server.
Manage MPS : Select a MPS and press the Manage Server button. A dialog opens. Into it you can see details about tasks proceeding or processed. From the Server drop-down list select the MPS – here are listed all the MPS servers which you have added to the system. For the selected server watch details about either all the projects that the server had served or only of a separate project – select it from Project drop-down list. The info displayed in this dialog can be filtered more – show either the tasks currently running (Job Status = In Progress) or the completed tasks (Job Status = Finished).
The name of the server will be displayed on the first row (Server Name).
Max. Concurrent Jobs: ;presents the number of the tasks that may run simultaneously – as more tasks run, as slower the processes will be.
Max. Jobs on the Queue: ; shows the number of the tasks that may wait for execution (queued tasks).
Max. Wait Progress ; can : can be set in Seconds and Frames. There are situations in which some files transcoding or any process running can hang and not finish due to external reasons (not enough permissions for writing in the folder, etc). In such situation the MPS starts doing the task but at some level it stops and waits (checks its write permissions, etc).This waiting may last forever or at least until the permission is allowed. That behavior can cause the MPS freeze. To avoid this, Metus MAM applies the setting Max. Wait Progress for each processor (editable by the user). After this time is over, MPS skips the task and starts the next one.