8. By clicking to “
” button, the user sets In and Out points, File Name, Folder and Tape Name during play out. The startup values just after clicking to “ ” button are shown on the figure below.On the figure shown below, In and Out points are set by the user, so the time difference. Duration, is automatically set. If the user leaves File Name and Folder as <Use Profile Settings>, then the values are automatically retrieved from the Output tab of the Profile window. The user can optionally set the name of the tape.
9. The user can start to record by clicking the big red dot on the right corner of the Batch window. During recording, the record button turns from red to black and Status is in capturing mode.
Batch Window
This window is at the bottom panel.
Batch buttons are described as below;
Export: It exports the list as text file.
Reset: clears Status in the List.
Ping: refreshes the connection between VTR and the computer.
Settings: it sets the connection parameters between VTR and the computer.
On the figure shown above, the area colored with orange shows the status of the recording. The status and the colors of the area are;
- complete >> green
- positioning >> yellow
- capturing >> orange
- aborted >> red
Status is the phase of the recording.
Port: should be set to any serial port (COM1 or COM3) to connect VTR to the computer that Ingest application runs.